The picture above is from London Libby's blog (thanks Libby). We happy librarians are waiting early morn outside the Writers' Museum. Prof. Wright is front row left in purple and Prof. Welsh is front row right with the purple scarf. I'm in the back (I'm the only one with a mustache). We are standing in the Museum Makars' Court ("Makar" is Scots for poet or author skilled in the craft of writing). Stone slabs in the ground are inscribed with pithy quotes from Scottish authors. My favorite quotes are John Buchan, 1875-1940, "We can only pay our debt to the past
by putting the future in debt to us" and Neil Gunn, 1891-1973, "Knowledge is high in the head but the salmon of wisdom swims deep."
After the Writers' Museum, we met for a late morning coffee at the Elephant House where J.K. Rowling got her inspiration for Harry Potter. The writer's Muse struck us all in mid-slurp and we immediately began next year's bestsellers (picture below, thanks again Libby). My bestseller will, of course, be a manly bestseller with lots of blood and severed limbs. The ladies are doing teddy bears and talking ponies. At this point, I left the ladies for the Edinburgh train station to begin my journey to Hadrian's Wall.
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