Nicholas had a biking accident Monday, July 20, a little past noon during his ride from Keenland to Frankfort on US 60. He was traveling over 20 mph on the shoulder nearing the Bluegrass Parkway when he reached down for his water bottle and lost control after hitting a big bump in the pavement. He was rushed to UK’s emergency room. There is a big deep open wound, called an avulsion, at his left elbow. The skin is completely gone exposing the fascia covering the muscle. There is no joint damage. His elbow is wrapped in gauze now. Nicholas says there is little pain. He will see a plastic surgeon this Friday to determine if he needs a skin graft.
It was a long day for all of us. We didn’t leave ER until 10:30 PM. It was a very busy place. Lynn and I are thankful for all the wonderful care and attention Nicholas received from doctors and nurses. We are also grateful for the help extended to our son by the Versailles police, Woodford County paramedics and the two Good Samaritan motorists who stopped to lend a hand.
And thank you to all of you for your concern and prayers. It’s a great comfort.
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