Sunday's lunch stop in Mt. Eden. Never knew there was a school for horseshoeing. Today is cooler than yesterday. We've been fighting a headwind the entire way. Nicholas is waiting for me at this stop. It's the first time I've seen him on the route.

Lunches are tasty and filling. Some bikers, including me, accept ibuprofen for the aches. Blankets are handed out to those who are cold.

Friendly dog who gets to know some of us. I see a lot of dogs along the route. Not one dog chases me.

Heading for the last pit stop in Finchville. All the creeks are swollen. So much water. The blue thing hanging around my chest is the harness for my camera. I stop here to take some pics of the river. My stop instantly turns into an unofficial pit stop for other bikers, Ride volunteers/staffers and my cruising son, Nicholas.
1 comment:
Mike you would be amazed at how big an industry horse shoeing really is. a good shoer can easily make 80 to 150 k a year. There are a few schools around the nation that have become the harvards of the industry. The skills of some of these guys is amazing. they even hold competitions nationally and internationally - Kelly
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