Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ride To Conquer Cancer, Training Progress, Part 53

More pics taken Sept. 5 at North Fork Baptist church. I sit down for this shot trying to find an interesting angle and capture the detail in the concrete walk and steps.

Fall is here early as can be seen from these leaves in the church parking lot near the graveyard.

Totally off topic but it occurs to me that the sport of road biking brings out the feminine side in men. Consider what we male bikers do: shave our legs, wear spandex shorts that feel like girdles, wear brightly colored fru-fru jerseys and, in my case, wear a heart sensor around my chest that feels like a little Wonder bra designed for "emerging" teenage girls.

Maybe this explains why biking has been slow to catch on in America. What does this say about biking-obsessed Europe?

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