The Pig Skull Bike Team rides again! This is Nichloas' first time out since his July 20 accident and it's great having him back. We ride 27 miles today, Sept. 2, early morn before work. I show him a new route off of Biddle Pike. I take him down Indian Creek Road for 1/2 mile to Gaines Road which after 3 miles connects with Long Lick Pike. Gaines is a very pretty and HILLY road. I top out at 41 mph descending the hill that empties into Long Lick Pike. Man, I REALLY LIKE SPEED! Today is like a wonderful fall day--cool and blue. I even spy some leaves that have already turned red. The pic above is Nicholas on Locust Fork Road in Stamping Ground feeling glad he's back in the saddle.

Further north on Locust Fork Road approaching Long Lick Pike is this curious sign. Not too far from here I almost become a dump truck's new hood ornament when I encounter said truck while negotiating a curve on a steep descent. There are quite a few log cabin homes along this stretch of Locust Fork. Maybe some log cabin discount some years ago?
My vital stats from the bike computer: Speed (13.2 mph avg., 41.2 mph max.); Heart (112 bpm avg., 149 bpm max.); and Cadence (75 revolutions per minute avg., 119 revolutions per minute max.) I burn 590 calories. Actual pedal time is 2 hours, 4 minutes.
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