Start out at 8:30 AM today, June 18, on Rogers Gap Road. That's the I-75 overpass in the east. Weather is fine and muggy. Nicholas can't ride with me because of work. I intend to try out a new road today--N.E. Countyline Road off of Hinton-Sadieville Road.

This is my
Specialized bike. Notice my silver twinkle-toe shoes that attach to the clipless pedals (and of course, my feet). The red bottle is my refillable air horn.

Sadieville Boat Ramp on Hinton-Sadieville Road near Davis Road. Water is slow and muddy. Dogs across the water run along the bank barking at me. What's with these dogs? Do I still smell too much like a Yankee?

Looking the other way while at the boat ramp.

I meet Virgil at the intersection of Hinton-Sadieville and N.E. Countyline roads. Virgil is from Booneville, KY and is visiting his daughter. He walks two miles each day with his tobacco stick-walking stick. He is a Vietnam era vet. We both agree that the vistas out here are beautiful. I give Virgil a Pig Skulls Bike Team business card. I break for water and a snack and look over my Scott County map.
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