Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ride To Conquer Cancer, Training Progress, Part 14

Okay, I do today what the doc said to do--work my banged up knee with an activity other than biking. I run for 30 minutes on an elliptical treadmill. My knee feels fine. Yahoo!

Maybe I need to adjust my bike seat? (But my leg is almost fully extended with my bike's present seat height.) Hmmmmm.

I think it's really considerate of the county transportation department to warn motorists about the high school's substandard highway entrance.

While on the treadmill, I watch a History Channel feature about how some scientists are taking seriously the Seven Signs (Seals) of St. John's Apocalypse. There is much discussion about mankind being wiped out by asteroids, man-created plagues and mega earthquakes. I don't worry about such things. Do you?

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