Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ride To Conquer Cancer, Training Progress, Part 45

This is my wife in my red truck coming to my rescue on Bond Pike, Aug 19. Turn up the sound to hear the rolling truck tires and the tweeting birds!


Anonymous said...

MIKE,, Nice truck,, Quite a long way from that Silver F250 4x4 we spent a long night rebuilding the transfer case on.. Kelly

Betsy said...

Just exactly how many times has your wife had to rescue you?!

Mr. Mike said...

Kelly, thanks. My Ford Ranger is a far cry from my 1989 F-250. It was bleeding me dry with 8-10 mpg.

Betsy, Lynn has rescued me twice now. I've been giving her opportunities to demonstrate the virtue of charity.

Anonymous said...

Mom has to save ur butt again! That's what wives are for! Stop biking. U guys keep getting hurt or something goes wrong!