This is the church in Minorsville on US 227. I ride 50 miles this early morn--my first 50 miler! (And my first time out since I got my bike back from the shop. It was a stinkin' tiny piece of glass in the front tire that was puncturing the inner tubes.) The ride isn't bad. My body is in decent shape. It's mental toughness more than anything else. Mental fatigue starts to creep in after 35 miles (I talk to myself a lot).

This is the church altar. I meet Gary H. at the church front steps. He is a parishioner working on the sound system. Gary owns Patriot Autos in Georgetown. I tell him I work at the library. He says he graduated with my boss Earlene sometime during the 20th century. He lets me fill my water bottle. We speak about Alaska, Florida, bike riding, hunting, wild pigs, pastors, cancer and death. Gary mentions that pastor Tom K. is dying of esophagus cancer yet keeps preaching and has wonderful support from the parishioners. I suggest Pastor Tom is an inspiring example to the parishioners on how to die with dignity and moral strength. It reminds me of Pope John Paul's wonderful example.

Stain glass window above church front door.

I see a good amount of road kill during my bike rides. I find this fawn on Long Lick Pike just west of Locust Fork Road. It's a recent kill because the body is still warm and there is no bloating. I move the body to the side of the road. Sad.
My vital stats from my bike computer: Speed (13.2 mph avg., 39.5 mph max.); Heart (126 bpm avg., 165 bpm max.); Cadence (80 revolutions per minute avg., 199 revolutions per minute max.). I burn 1368 calories. Actual pedal time is 3 hours, 47 minutes.
The way you took the picture with the deer makes it look like you hit it with your bike lol I was confused until I read the caption. Poor thing :(
Yes, it does look like that. I was tempted to post something about me running over the fawn. But it didn't seem apppropriate. It wasn't a funny moment on Long Lick Pike. I was sad and depressed about it. I hope it was a quick death.
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