Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ride To Conquer Cancer, Training Progress, Part 41

Stone wall along Elk Lick Road near Sadieville. I am 15.8 miles into my intended 50 miler when my front tire develops a leak. I don't have a spare tube nor other needed equipment. My cell phone doesn't work out here so I knock on Bobby and Linda's front door and ask to use their phone to call my wife. Linda answers the door and says "You work at the library." I hear this a lot out in the country. I meet her husband, Bobby, who has been on his tractor removing rocks from a field. He introduces me to his other ladies--Susie Q and Clementine; two Blue Heeler bitches from the same litter. Sweet gentle dogs. I tell Bobby and Linda about my dogs, Jack and Molly, and how they are trained for Scott County Public Library's Sit-Stay-Read program. I phone my wife and she picks me up and takes me back to my truck on Rogers Gap.
I like this pic except for the early morn glare down the road. Can't remove it with my polarizing filter nor with photo editing. Suggestions anyone?

Vital stats from my bike computer: Speed (13.7 mph avg., 40.7 max.); Heart (128 bpm avg., 215 bpm max.); Cadence (77 revolutions per minute avg., 145 revolutions per minute max.). I burn 419 calories. Actual pedal time is 1 hour, 9 minutes. Man, can you believe my max. heart rate--215 bpm! I'm surprised this old geezer didn't have a heart attack. I'm a tough old bird, ain't I?

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