Friday, July 20, 2007

More C.S. Lewis-July 19

This is our C.S. Lewis tour bus and guide in Oxford. The three hour tour is directed by Ron Brind, boyhood friend to Lewis' step-sons, Dave and Doug. Ron bemoans the fact that most Brits, even Oxford Brits, think C.S. Lewis is "that bloke who wrote Alice In Wonderland." Ron is happy though that a healthy number of Americans know about C.S. Lewis. He says that 90% of his tour guests are Americans.

This is Lewis' church--Holy Trinity. That's Prof. Wright with her back to us, Ron, and library science student Mary. Inside Holy Trinity Church looking from the Altar.

Ron pointing to Lewis' pew.

Yours Truly in Lewis' pew.

Lewis' grave in the churchyard.

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