Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ride To Conquer Cancer, Training Progress, Part 9

Nicholas and some new bike toys he just HAD to have-- blue chain cleaner and super-duper purple tire lever. Nicholas says he refused to buy these two items until Pedal Power bike store had them in his two favorite colors. I guess he gave the store owner quite a tongue lashing for ignoring such an important color sensitive niche market. (I love my son but sometimes I think he watches too many Rambo movies.)
Nicholas and his Giant bike.

Closeup of Nicholas' bike and hairy legs. I keep advising him to shave his legs so he can at least look like Lance Armstrong. Me? I shave my legs because they look really cool that way.

Hey, the Pig Skull Bike Team had its first flat tire! Nicholas early yesterday morn, June 23, set out from Keenland for Frankfort and back (50 miles). He was eleven miles out on Versailles Road when his back tire ran over a tiny piece of glass--pfffft! He had neither a spare tube nor pump. A kind motorist rode him and bike back to Keenland. Guess what? Nicholas is now an expert at changing flats.

Nicholas rode early this morn, June 24, in our Mallard Point neighborhood. He did a quick seven miles and says he shaved seven minutes off his last time. Nicholas also says he conquered the BIG hill while standing up in the bike. Nicholas is working on breathing and pedaling techniques and urges me to do the same. I say "no thanks." I've been breathing now for 56 years and have pretty much mastered the nose-mouth thing.

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