Friday, October 9, 2009

Ride To Conquer Cancer, Day 1, Part 1

Three hundred seventy five riders gather Saturday, Sept. 26, 8 AM at Louisville's E.P. Tom Sawyer Park for the start of the first Kentucky Ride to Conquer Cancer. We are treated to an excellent catered breakfast. Speakers remind us what the Ride is really about--the fight against cancer. I'm feeling pretty calm about things. I'm not nervous. I've trained hard for this and I'm ready for it. My only regret is that my son Nicholas can't ride with me because of his July bike accident. But he's a trooper and joins the supporting pit crew for these two days. He stays out late Friday night marking today's 82 mile route from Louisville to Lexington with yellow Ride to Conquer Cancer signs. He doesn't get back to our Galt House motel room until 11 PM.

A group of selected bikers escorts a riderless bike affixed with a yellow flag. This bike represents all those souls who have lost the fight to cancer. The yellow flag is also seen on the bikes of cancer survivors riding in the Ride To Conquer Cancer.

It's a beautiful cool day for a ride. The first part of the ride winds through city streets. Busy intersections are manned by police who stop traffic to let us through. After thirty minutes of pedaling we reach less traveled country roads. As I adjust to the rhythm of route and riders, I remind myself of all the support I have from relatives, friends, Scott County Public Library coworkers and St. John Church parishioners. It's a great comfort. I look at the green "Mimi" bracelet on my right wrist. It reminds me of Marilyn who is battling cancer. This in turn reminds me of my other fellow librarians who are fighting cancer. First pit stop is 15 miles away.

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